Report Automation – Manual Download

Report Automation – Manual Download When users run one of reports from the platform that is considered large (i.e. meter detailed consumption report) for an extended period (i.e. greater than one month), the system can take a long time to run or can time out on the...

Save & Share Dashboards Internally

Share your dashboards within the Energy.Hub The Analytics Dashboards can be customised and shared with different users too!  You can decide if making a dashboard public or only share this with specific users and allow them to make edits.  Read the article below if you...

Budget Analysis

The Budget Analysis dashboard provides useful information for Energy Managers and Finance Managers providing insights on the performance of their portfolio against set budgets. Please navigate to Home >> Hub BI >> Budget Analysis.  There are four...


If you have generation assets connected to your sites, the Generation BI helps you get an understanding of your savings.  The BI gives and overview of your asset generation compared to the total site consumption and it identifies cost, consumption & carbon savings...

Weather Budget Variations

The Weather Budget Variations BI gives a graphical representation of your weather spend and consumption compared to your actual spend/consumption.  The report compares your actual spend and consumption against weather adjusted figures as well as comparing against your...

RAG & Season KPI

The delivered cost of a KW can vary wildly in any single day, one key driver of this is the distribution costs.  This report gives end users control over these costs, and the first step is being able to see when you are using energy in each DUoS time band. We have...