Sep 16, 2020
We all know in Energy that we spend countless hours sending information back and forth between our team members, as well as our service providers and customers. Whether that is between two wholesale trading counterparties, or between an energy retailer and energy...
Aug 28, 2020
System Overview The ETRM module within your Energy Hub is designed to make your energy trading significantly easier to understand and, provide future insights into how you may carry out energy procurement in the future based on market conditions. It is designed for...
Aug 28, 2020
Uploading Data To Upload the Purchase Requirements, users should follow the below 9 steps: Go to Forecasting >> Forecast Curves Select Create Forecast/Purchase Requirement Fill in the details in the below pop-up: Users can name each purchase...
Apr 24, 2020
Counterparties To configure a counterparty, users can follow the below 3 steps: Go to Settings >> My Company >> Counterparties Select Quick Add a Company Define the Name, Product, Address, Tenor, and Daily Volume for the supplier The Name, Tenor,...
Apr 24, 2020
UI Trade Workflow To enter a trade through the workflow, a user should follow the below steps: Trades >> New Gas/Power Trade >> OTC Complete the Trade Details, then the Trade Component screens The Utilidex system will assign a system ID to each...