Feb 20, 2021
The Energy.Hub has the ability to report the Red, Amber and Green Unit charges for each MPANs available for the selected filters for the particular date range. This report allows you to show the data according to selected groups and sites within selected date period....
Feb 20, 2021
The Energy.Hub has the ability to report the Consumption (kWh), Carbon (kgCO2) & Cost (£) calculated using a fixed PPU for each MPANs available in the selected filters for the particular date range. This report allows you to show the data according to selected...
Feb 20, 2021
The Energy.Hub has the ability to report the energy consumed per square feet for the particular date range. This report will show the annual consumption per unit site area for each of the sites available within the selected commodity and groups. It will also displays...
Feb 20, 2021
The Energy.Hub has the ability to report the consumption, cost of consumption and carbon emitted by consumption for the particular date range. This report allows you to show the data according to the selected groups and sites within selected date period. This report...
Sep 24, 2020
Utilidex has a budgeting tool which allows a user to generate a budget, using forecasted consumption data, and a Pence Per Unit (PPU). You have to upload your Sites in the system, have one year’s historical consumption data, as well as last year’s billing data, and...
Sep 23, 2020
You can download a report that gives you an overview of your portfolio of sites. You can filter by Supplier and Group and we will be able to download the excel sheet with all the information you may require for your sites. Navigate to Reports >> Generate Reports...