Manual Bill Charge Types

The following helpfile explains what charge names and charge types to use in the Manual Bill (XLS and UI) uploader, and what they mean, as well as a description.

Please note that in order to add a manual bill, navigate to Site CRM > Actions & Tasks > Unloack screen > Add Manual Bill in the Quick Tools section.


Manual Bill UI Example

The following article provides an explanation of how the different charge for HH and NHH bills should be mapped to the charge types. Currently, for manual bills, customers can choose between three different charge types: Consumption, Energy, and Fixed.


Manual Bill XLS Example

The below screen shows the manual bill XLS uploader, and relevant columns where you can update the charge description and charge type.  These two elements are explained in more detail below:-

The second tab of the file uploader explains the different columns, the information you need to update as well as the format of the excel fields.


Charge Name Types and Descriptions (NHH)

The below table shows the charge names, types and descriptions for NHH bills.

Charge Name Charge Type Description
Day Energy / Consumption Day supply charge
Night Energy / Consumption Night supply charge
Capacity Fixed Available capacity charge
Data Collector Charges Fixed Consumption data collection fee
Metering operator charge Fixed Meter maintenance fee
Reactive charge Fixed Reactive energy charge
Climate Change Levies (CCL) Fixed Climate change levy
Management Fees Fixed Fixed cost
Standing Charge Fixed Fixed cost


IMPORTANT NOTE: For NHH bills, if you want the charge to be included in consumption, you have to choose the charge type as either Energy or Consumption.


Charge Names Types and Descriptions (HH)

For HH bills, the charge type mapping should be as follow:

Charge Name Charge Type Description
Day Energy Day supply charge
Night Energy Night supply charge
Capacity Fixed Available capacity charge
Data collector charges Fixed Consumption data collection fee
Metering operator charge Fixed Meter maintenance fee
Reactive Fixed Reactive energy charge
Climate Change Levies (CCL) Consumption Climate change levy
Contracts for Difference (CfD) Consumption Pass-through charge for supporting low-carbon electricity generation
Feed in Tariffs (FiT) Consumption Cost of export guarantee
Capacity Market (CM) Consumption Cost of security of electricity supply
Red/Black, Amber, Green, Super Red Charges Consumption Distribution unite charge
Balancing Service Use of System (BSUoS) Consumption Cost of balancing the system
Excess Capacity Consumption Exceed capacity charge
Renewable Obligation Consumption Cost of renewable electricity generation
Transmission Network Use of Charges (TNUoS) Fixed Cost of installing and maintaining the transmission system
Management Fees Fixed Fixed cost
Standing Charge Fixed Fixed cost


IMPORTANT NOTE: For HH bills, if you want the charge to be included in the consumption, the charge type should be Energy.


Mapping Charges in the EDI/XLS Mapping Tool

Please note, once a bill is generated in the manual bill UI or XLS screen, it will then go through the validation process.  Here the system performs a range of checks to ensure the bill is correct.

Two of the checks (Shadow Bill checks and Tariff Checks) rely on the system having an accurate tariff set-up in the system, as well as having those tariffs mapped to the charge elements you entered in the above manual bills.

You can read more about the mapping and components in the attached article

Please note this is a set-up activity and will only need to be done once for new tariffs/new customers.  After the tariff/components are set-up as well as the mappings are done, the system will work as expected.