You can choose to download a Meter Consumption Summary report or a Meter Consumption Detailed report by navigating to Reports >> Generate Report >> Consumption.
Meter Consumption Summary Report
The Meter Consumption Summary Report gives an overview of the total consumption listed by MPAN or MPRN and can be defined by groups across your entire portfolio. The report displays the site name, MPAN/MPRN, site reference, the completeness of meter data and provides a total kWh and cost. Please note that this report takes into consideration only HH meters.
Meter Consumption Detailed Report
The Meter Consumption Summary Report provides the half hourly data for each day for a defined date period by MPAN/MPRN. Again the report can be across your entire portfolio or defined by your groups. It can be run for Power, Gas and Water. Please note that this report takes into consideration only HH meters.