Report Automation – Manual Download

Report Automation – Manual Download When users run one of reports from the platform that is considered large (i.e. meter detailed consumption report) for an extended period (i.e. greater than one month), the system can take a long time to run or can time out on the...

Capacity Report (Power)

The Energy.Hub has the ability to report the excess capacity data for the MPANs available in the selected filters for the selected date range. This report allows you to show the data according to selected groups and sites within selected date period. This report shows...

Weather Tracking

The Energy.Hub has the ability to report the Weather Adjusted spend and consumption data for the selected filters for the particular year. This report allows you to show the data according to selected groups and sites within selected date period. The Weather report...

Seasonal Consumption (Power)

The Energy.Hub has the ability to report the Seasonal Consumption data for the selected filters for the particular date range. This report allows you to show the data according to selected groups and sites within selected date period. This report shows the consumption...

Plannes vs. Actuals

The Energy.Hub has the ability to report the Planned and actual consumption for the selected filters for the particular date range. The Planned vs. Actuals report shows your actual consumption compared against the planned forecast.  It tracks your month by month...

RAG Report

The Energy.Hub has the ability to report the Red, Amber and Green Unit charges for each MPANs available for the selected filters for the particular date range. This report allows you to show the data according to selected groups and sites within selected date period....