The validation detail report is a great way to find the details of where the validation has failed within your Invoices. The report has a number of tabs:

Summary – provides an overview of where the majority of the invoices have failed such as consumption, shadow bill check failure etc. A percentage and value is then put against the reason code.

Known Invoices Failure – provides the details of the invoice validation failure.

Duplicate Invoices – any invoices that may have been duplicated within the billing files will appear here.

Unknown Invoices – if you receive an invoice which the Hub isn’t expecting it will appear here. e.g. there isn’t any site standing data.

Shadow Bill Failure – displayed in this section is any validation failures when checking against the Utilidex shadow bill. e.g. the rates on the supplier invoice Vs the rates on the Utilidex shadow invoice.


Bill Validation Issues Report

When the supplier bills arrive in the system, the bills are automatically validated. To check if there are validation failures for the imported bills, please run the Bill Validation Issues Report.

It displays for each commodity, start and date, the number of failures, the percentage issues and the value of the bills for which bill validation failed.